Welcome to Mooncry! We are a present-day dog roleplay, new and active. We feature a quick acceptance process, an OOC rank-up system, and unlimited character slots. We're one-account-per-character, your first being your OOC account. Our roleplay rating is 3-0-2. Come join us today, and enter the world of Pulchra.
Welcome to Pulchra. This world is unlike ours, it's not our beloved Earth. This world is different, belonging to canines, felines, and other animals. Within Pulchra, there are realms, and there aren't any humans. Humans used to be part of Pulchra, until something happened years ago, wiping them all out. There are four packs that live in Pulchra, each pack has its own realm. These packs are called Hectos, Umbra, Lucis, and Robur. While everything seems quiet, things aren't so good with the packs. All of the packs are really warring with each other, because of each pack's beliefs and personalities. Will you join the fight today, or just be a lonely outsider, with no place to go?
mooncry auburn
Blueprint is a premade Proboards v5 theme designed and built by punki of Adoxography and Pixel Perfect. MOONCRY is the work of the mind(s) of AUBURN. All characters and content are copyright their creators, and may not be replicated without their creators' permission. All images belong to their original owners.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In sit amet turpis scelerisque, viverra lacus vel, pharetra ipsum. Maecenas bibendum eleifend fringilla. Praesent mi ipsum, dapibus non leo eu, luctus porttitor magna. Vestibulum vel diam et eros tincidunt consequat.